avatar for Eggucation


Booth C13
Eggucation is unique in schools hatching in many ways. We are THE ETHICAL hatching company! All our staff are experienced, passionate and prize winning rare poultry breeders. The eggs we place in your school all come from our rare breed poultry - hence the fact our #ConservationInTheClassroom projects offer so many more learning opportunities! We collect ALL the chicks from your setting and grow them on with their welfare as a priority. Our show champion birds all hatch in classrooms - #CanYouHatchAWinner?
Eggucation is run by an experienced science teacher, ensuring all our amazing thematic planning and resources tie in carefully to ALL the key stages. We provide ready made STEM based activities to not only make teachers lives easier, but to assist you securing funding for your projects. From EYFS to A Level Biology we have the knowledge and experience to bring your hatching projects to life!!